TM Project 7 : Living with less gives me more

  Almost everyone owns something they don’t really need. It’s true, Can you guess what is it? I bought a series of Tupperware container few years ago but until now I never use it. Fyi, some people make an installment payment to buy such a Tupperware product, and one of them is me (LOL). I…Read more TM Project 7 : Living with less gives me more

It’s okay to fail : International speech contest

Failure happens to everyone, at least once in your life you're going to fail at something. Do you agree with me? I will never forget the first time i felt the sting of failure in my life. When i graduated from senior high school, i took an enrollment test in STAN, Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara.…Read more It’s okay to fail : International speech contest

TM Humorous Speech Contest : Social Media

You know, in this digital world, everybody must have smartphone. We check our smartphone every few minutes. Scrolling and swiping across the phone screen, automatically, checking once more, checking, checking and checking again. Others will think that you are super busy person. In reality it isn’t. No, No, No, you didn’t feel your phone vibrate…Read more TM Humorous Speech Contest : Social Media